Required Documents

Documents required upon application

・ Passport*1
・ Email address
・ Credit card or Paypal account
・ Identification Photograph*2
・ Scanned Bio Page*3
・ Passport*1
・ Email address
・ Credit card or Paypal account
・ Identification Photograph*2
・ Scanned Bio Page*3
・ Copy of Business Card*3
Following additional items are required
when attending GIAN programme

・ Invitation from host organization*5
・ Copy of the synopsis of the courses to be taken up by
the faculty*5
・ Copy of the sanction order under GIAN issued by the
National Coordinationg Institute viz. IIT Kharagpur*5
・ Passport*1
・ Email address
・ Credit card or Paypal account
・ Identification Photograph*2
・ Scanned Bio Page*3
・ Copy of Letter from the Hospital concerned in India on
its letterhead*4
e-Medical Attendant
・ Passport*1
・ Email address
・ Credit card or Paypal account
・ Identification Photograph*2
・ Scanned Bio Page*3
・ Passport*1
・ Email address
・ Credit card or Paypal account
・ Identification Photograph*2
・ Scanned Bio Page*3
・ Invitation from host organization*5
・ Political clearance from MEA*5
・ Event clearance from MHA (optional)*5
*1 Passport Requirements
・ Passport has to have 6 month until its expiration and more than 2 blank pages upon arriving India.
・ Eligible passport type for e-Visa is Ordinary only.

*2 Identification Photograph Requirements
・ Use JPEG file format
・ File size has to be under 2MB
・ (physical) size has to be bigger than 5 x 5 cm, resoultion has to be more than 350 x 350 px
・ Plane white background with no frames
・ Let no shadows, lines and reflected lights be in
・ Wear no scarves or glasses except for religious reasons
・ Face forward with eyes opened
・ With no face expressions
・ Do not modify the original photograph using any kinds of application

* Inspection may result in rejection if there requirements are not met
* Photograph shot by professional photographer is highly recommended

*3 Scanned Bio Page|Copy of Business Card Requirements
・ Use JPEG file format
・ File size has to be under 2MB
・ Resolution has to be more than 350 x 350 px
・ Use scanning function of printer or copier
・ Let no shadows and reflected lights be in *except for holograms
・ For Business Card, let both sides of a card be in a single image file

* Scanned Bio Page refers to a page in a passport where fullname and identification photo are ptinted on

*4 Copy of Letter from the Hospital concerned in India on its letterhead Requirements
・Use PDF file format
・File size has to be unser 300KB
・When received as physically printed letter, convert it into PDF file format using scanning function of printer or copier.

*5 Other documents Requirements
・ Use PDF file format
・ File size has to be unser 300KB
・ When received as physically printed document, convert it into PDF file format using scanning function of printer or copier.

Required Documents upon Traveling

・ e-Visa Certificate - 1 copy *1
・ Passport with number being printed on e-Visa certificate*2
・ A ticket to leave India (either by going back to home country or going to other country)
・ Financial proof proving a one has suffieicnet finace to stay in India *3
・ Yellow fever vaccination certificate * Only for those who are required to present *4

*1 Should be printed on A4 paper. (black-and-white printing is acceptable)
*2 2 or more blank visa pages is required
*3 Financial proof may be cash, credit card, travelers check or english proof of balance
*4 Traveler who is older than 9 month and meeting Yellow fever vaccination certificate presenting condition is required to present

When requested a Certificate of Vacctination for Yellow Fever

- When arriving India from a country with risk of Yellow Fever transmission within 6 days.
- When you transit to India from a country with risk of Yellow Fever transmission.*1
- When arriving from a country with risk of Yellow Fever transmission, or arriving within 30 days of emplacement on a ship that does not meet sterlization procedures established by WHO.
- When arriving from a country with risk of Yellow Fever transmission on an aircraft that has not been sterlized in accordance with the 1954 Indian Aircraft Public Health Regulations or WHO recommendations.

*1 With a grant of a health officers, passengers/flight crew members who transit from a country with risk of Yellow Fever transmission but remained at airport premises throughout their time in the country are exception.

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